ou bien, roland chez les gros, roland lost in L.A, roland...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

weekend on the campus



soon, it will be final exam period.

Some pictures of the weekend I had on the campus. They made some events:

this fire is done cuz UCR's basketball team played the first game of the season:

And yesterday their was a huge concert on the campus next to the bell tower ( but the pictures i did are howfull)
with Lupe fiasco, and also the band: Moving Units. They are very famous, but i didn't know them.

In fact i got a cold, and i am staying at home a lot.

have a great week.

I wonder how many people look at my blog in one week.

see u


photos retardées


Here are some pictures of the previous week, when i was in Washington DC. I should have posted them earlier, but by lack of time i do it now.

We are finaly in Washington, after an adventure with Laura's computer, which was lost in the airport :(
We found it and arrived at the UC building. We met everybody at the restaurant down the street.

The morning after we visited the city, as I told you in my previous message.

Then we met Clare in her office.
She made us visit the Big thing above.

Inside the Capitol, you have several paintings relating American History. I learn that Pocahontas is not a Disney creation, but a true story. She married with a European in order to make an agreement cuz she was daughter of one of the Indian chief of the moment.
And here is the statue of Poh Pey, Chief of Indians in a former Indian population in New Mexico.

This poster is at the entry of the Clare's Congressman's office. Pretty scaring isn't?

Laura cannot help sitting in the Congressman's office:

Saturday morning: visit of the White House:

Then we walk up to the Capitol again:

I can have a look of a strange shape on the ground:

Laura is proud to come from Northern Ireland, Nozenilen:

here the game was to slide on the ice, and it was kind of hard to stand up. We also tried to toss piece of snow in the basin. wooh!

after that you know what happened. I saw Peter at the Native American museum, and on Monday I went to New York.

see u


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

ça déchire


Going back to the English language:

It was not my idea, and even, I was sceptical and doubtful about doing it in one day. But finaly, i got conviced and we went there. I was there five years ago, and I was happy to see it again.

as you can see. We went to the North Pole. But I didn't met Santa Claus.

I went there with two Lauras, one of them is Irish, and the other one is American.

The boat is taking us to the lady from Bartholdi. She is always there, she does not seems to be cold. Even if it's -10°C.
I suggest she could also take a shower one day, cus she is kind of dusty at some places.

We ran a lot arround the statue, so that we get rewarmed.

Ground Zero. The construction of the freedom tower is far from beeing finished.

They created a little Memorial there. Here is a piece of one of the plane that crashed. They show pictures and witnesses. In the room, tissues are available. There are some people that were there and who made visits, with explainations of the sad event.

When you begin to read all this, you have like a ball in the stomach, and you can only get rid of it when you go out to take the subway.

At the top of the Empire State, the sun is rewarming us. We complain about the cold, but we should be happy about the weather. We could easily have had a storm, common during the season.

I think this city is the center of the world.

no coment.

This city is very durty, worse than Marseille.

We went to Hard Rock Cafe, and the waitress forgot to gave us an appetizer that Laura ordered. So we got a free desert for every one.

I wanted to walk in Central park, even if it was the sunset and the end of the day, it was easy to see squarells, and people jogging.

We tried to go shopping on Madisson and 5th Av. But it was too Crowded. And we were very tired to buy something.

Then we went to Rockfeller center. And we came back to Time Square before living, to see it when it's completely dark.
A bus was waiting for us in Chinatown. We came back to washington at 3 a.m.

next time i put the pictures of washington. Sorry, because it's not in the good order.

see u


Saturday, February 17, 2007

washington 2


donc hier avec Laura on a:

_visité le Ford Theater, là où Abraham Linclon a été attaqué
_visité la maison où Abraham Lincoln est mort.
_ on a pris un Sandwich dans un fast food qui s'appelle: " au bon pain".
_vu les éléphants du museum d'histoire naturelle
_photographié le hope's diamond: le diamant du film titanic: le coeur de l'océan
_puis on a marché jusqu'à l'holocaust museum qu'on a aussi visité ( un peu vite).
_et on a pris le métro pour voir Clare qui travaille au Cannon building pour un Congressman de Californie.
_elle nous a montré le capitole
_ on a pu aussi voir la House of the representative: donc l'assemblée des congresmen qui discutent des lois: Leur Assemblée nationale. On a pu s'asseoir au fond de l'amphithéatre, les congressmen débattaient sur le salaire minimum américain. Les republicains placé à gauche et les démocrates à droite.
_on est rentré au building de l'université de californie en métro.
_ on est pas sorti ce soir là parce qu'on était tous un peu fatigué.

Ce matin

on s'est levé très tôt pour aller voir la maison Blanche.
Et à 8h30, on a attendu dans la queue de touristes, dans le vent froid, avant d'y rentrer.
D'un seul coup, une trentaine de 4X4 noirs sont sortis du parc de la maison Blanche, suivis de deux camions de pompiers, et de gros camions noirs:
on a demandé au gardien: c'est Bush qui part à sa maison dans l'état de Maryland, pour aller faire son tour de vélo du matin.

De l'autre côté de la rue, il y a des tentes et des parassols, avec des dixaines de camions et aussi des caravanes: ABC news, CNN, la presse campe en permanence pour poursuivre le président.

avant de rentrer on nous a appelé par nos noms, on a vérifié nos passeports ,vérifiés nos portables et nos appareils photos.
Maison blanche= Petit hotel particulier à la néoclassique napoléon.

Puis on est rentré parce que Véronica était malade.
On est alors reparti:

_ visite du National Geographic museum: reportage sur l'extinction des éléphants au Chad.
_ on a marché jusqu'au Capitole ( c'était long).
et là je vous écris, mais on va probablement repartir. Avec Laura les voyages sont sportifs.

Pourquoi l'Université de Califiornie a-t-elle une antenne à Washington?

Parce que c'est plus facile d'avoir de l'argent quand on est près du bon Dieu.
et parce que les étudiants peuvent faire des super stages dans les embassades et dans les organisations du gouverments. Apparement, toute la ville marche avec des stagiaires. En fait les Etats unis sont gouvernés par des stagiaires:

Chris fait stage à l'ambassade de France, dans l'ambassade il y a un supermarché Français pour ces messieux les ambassadeurs uniquement. Il a pu me ramener du vins français à un duty free price.

Quand je marche dans la rue il y a souvent des clochars qui dorment dehors avec un tas de couverture sur eux. Comment est ce possible que des gens puisse dormir par ce froid dehors? Ces personnes sont souvent des blacks. Bravo pour la capitale de la permière puissance mondiale.

Demain je vais voir J&P

Lundi je vais peut-être à New York, mais c'est pas sûr.

See u
je vous embrasse avec mon nez tout froid.

les fautes d'orthographes seront corrigées, mais pas maintenant.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


hi guys

Je vais ecrire en français parce que j'ai pas bcp de temps.
Il fait SUPER FROID à Washington. Je porte de malheureuses basquettes que j'ai acheté à Paris avec Dam, et je marche avec dans de grosses flaques de neige gellée, les rues sont remplies de glaces, et il y a un ignoble vent froid qui pique le visage et les doigts. j'aurais du emporter mes gants de ski.

quand on est arrivé chez mes amis, j'ai mis Deux pulls en laine en plus, et une paire de chaussette en plus.

On est tous content quand on peut rentrer se réchauffer dans un Starbucks.
Pour tout vous dire, il fait -7C° la journée, et -12C° la nuit.

Sinon, la ville est superbe. Et je vais dormir sur un canapé pendant une semaine, ( cool, je m'attendais à dormir par terre).

On a pris avec Laura, deux avions pour venir jusqu'à DC. Et cet aprem je suis allé voir Georgetown university.

c'est trop cool, mais vivement que je rentre à L.A. au CHAUD.

c'était les impressions du moment

See u


Sunday, February 11, 2007



Nothing to say. I have too many things to do ( find an internship, homework, projects...). We didn't went out of Riverside this weekend. And anyways it was raining.
But don't worry, I don't forget you. Wednesday night I will fly to Washington DC. Basically, to see Janet and Peter, and also Clare, and Veronica, and Brandon. So you will have more pictures later. See youuuu.


I have seen the film BABEL, I loved it. We also went to a libanese bar: with Shisha ( I don't know how to spell it). And minth tea. And this is Mehdi.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

snow again


Yesterday i went snowboarding again. But this time it was with Amelie and Cathrine. On Friday it's allways cheaper, and you only have people crazy about snowboarding that go there. It was also pretty empty, so that we didn't lost time waiting in the lane at all. A beautifull day. I get colors on my cheeks :)

The ski area is full of real american people. It's already the inland of America. We took a drink at the end of the day , before leaving, and all the people there were American. It's the first time that i feel i am in a place only with American people. I mean that i am allways hanging with people from all over the world. I don't know where are the true Americans at the end.

today the weather forecast anounced 25C°, and tomorow it's gonna be 28C°.
Tomoro it's THE super bowl. A kind of American football championchip. Everybody is watching on TV the football game of the season, with pizza and a can of beer. For the Americans, it's more important than Christmas.

see u

Thursday, February 01, 2007


hi everybody

tonight, i was outside the Residence, all by myslef...
I was walking to come back to my apartement. And I heard something:

" Wuuuuuuuuh!"

and then, more far away:
" Wuuuuh! Wuuuuuhhhh!"
like wolfs
and then repeated many times.

This is the sound of coyotes, in fact, there are plenty of them in the orange trees fields arround the Residence:

These animals are like wild dogs looking like wolfs.

I already saw 4 of them when i was driving by night near the hills behind the campus:

It's pretty wild overthere, there is nothing exept these deserted hills.
With all this, i now strongly believe that the campus is full of these wild dogs that come during the night.

pretty scaring, isn't?

bye bye
