La misère d'en face
Pour vous introduire mon voyage au Mexique, petite chanson de TRYO, groupe reggea-rock français:
"Face aux favellas des gens se prélassent
Je crois bien voir des gamins cirer leur godasses
Ce sont des américains
C'est chez eux que je me casse
Ce sont des américains
C'est chez eux que je me casse
Je lasse mes godasses
J'vais tenter ma chance chez
ceux d'en face...
Peuple d'occident
Réveille toi réveille toi
Car le matin en déjeunant
C'est notre misère que tu bois"
Before going to Mexico, we had to pick up Marie with us. She is living in a perfect street in California.
Then we drove 3 hours and went accros the border. We were in Mexico, we took the road that leads to the ocean. This little red wall down there is the mexican border. Behind it, at several meters ahead, you will have the American wall: much bigger, at least 10 metters high, and with the US Army controlling it all year long.

Here is a map of our trip: in green, the road we took. we stayed in a hotel in Rosarito, and drove up to Ensenada.

When we went accros tijuana ( the big city at the entry of the American border). We saw a lot of poor areas: houses are made of junks, cartons, cans... Some wild dogs are running at the edge of the street. And in the fields, some horses are standing, very thin, like if they didn't eat anything for years.

When we arrived in Rosarito, we went to the beach and to a bar, even if it was cloudy. Everything is done for American people. There, everybody speaks English, and you can pay everything with dollars.
In Mexico, it's allowed to drink alcohol in the street. That's why some American people go there. To do the things they cannot do in their own country. On the beach, Mexican people comes to you every minutes, to try to sell you necklesses and hats.
At night, we went to a night club. There, you can only find American people. In Rosarito everything is so cheap. You can cut by half the prices from California.
The day after, we went to Ensenada ( one hour by driving from Rosarito). Next to the road, a statue of the Christ is facing the Ocean. Some nice houses are built at the top of the cliff. They are sold to Americans.

Ensenada is very cool, a little city next to the ocean. They put a 100 m high flag in the middle of the city.

We ate in a very cute restaurant. Mexican people are not like American. They enjoy sun, and a lot of tables are located outside, under the sun, away from the air conditioning.

Ensenada is a very nice Harbour:

Then we went on the road again. And we saw again all this population that wants one only thing: go to the other side of the road, in the US:

At the American Border, we waited 2 hours. Mexican people tried again to sell us fake luxuous bags, churros, and a lot of other stuff.

see ya
taka a look 2 Cancun Mexico
2:21 AM
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