ou bien, roland chez les gros, roland lost in L.A, roland...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

ça y est! c'est le départ


today i went to in'n'out Burger with Nopiu. I think i am taking a burger every three days, and this is a lot.
tonight, we made a christmas party to say goodbye to everybody.
some leave for just the christmas hollidays. Some leave for the next winter quarter. And some leave forever. It's hard to say goodbye ...
We all got a gift and gave a gift to someone. I gave a fun T-shirt to Ben with the name of it's favorit wsky on it. And I got a CD of Johnny Cash from Loic. Very nice.
Tomorow i am going to do my bag. I hate that.
I will also go to LA to a maroccan restaurant.

my regularity to post messages on my blog may be more chahotic as i will be in France.
12 hours of flight is too long.

see u


Rihab ( tunisie), Mehdi ( Marocain), Caro ( French), Amélie ( French), Mike ( Americain)

Andrew ( americain), Loic (français), Javier ( mexicain)

moi, Alice ( French), Osa ( suédoise), mike

Caro and me

Clare ( australian), Roberto (italian).

Gabrielle (Italian) and Satoko ( Japanese)

en essayant de faire des rangées:
  • Andrew(US), net(US), mark(US), roberto(IT), cathrine(FR), brandon(US)
  • Loic(FR), mike(US), osa(SWE), amélie(FR), alice(FR), marie(US), vero(AU), konepa(US), Joel(AU), Satoko(JP), gabrielle(IT)
  • konepa et konepa ( US)
  • caro (FR),Javier (MEX), Laura (Irish), Clare( AU)and me

And then we played Billiards after the party. late in the night.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

douce France!

hello à tous.
hi everybody.

I am good. tout vas bien.
I had a lot of finals these last days. J'ai eu pleins de partiels ces derniers jours.
But now I am free. Mais maitenant c'est plus cool.
Tuesday i went to the French consulate in Beverly hills. With Rihab and Caro, and then we drove on Wilshire blvd, and took a sandwich in a jewish restaurant, and we went back to Riverside trough downtown LA.
Mardi je suis allé au consulat de France à Beverky hills. Avec Rihab et Caro, et puis on est allé sur Wilshire blvd, et on a pris un sandwich dans un resto feuj, et on est rentré à Riverside par downtown LA.
Now i am on the list of the French living over sea. And i will be able to vote for the president in April. I will chose Sarkoyal of Course!!!!

Today I got a new fun word: " what the heck". It's between what the h.. and what the f..
Bon, euh, les français auront compris.

demain je vais chez le coiffeur, et vendredi y a la soirée de Noel chez Véro.
Thanks for all the messages that i got for my birthday.

can't believe am coming back to France on Sunday.

See ya

Sunday, December 10, 2006



yesterday night i made a party because it's my birthday on Monday, i am turning 22. So i invited everybody. And I bought stuff to eat and drink. I got so many gifts,...a lighter, a UCR pull, wine and chocolate, ....my friends are so great...I am feeling spoiled. So here are some pictures of the party.
I apologize because i did not write so much this week. I had a lot of final exams. And i still have some next week. That is why i cannot go to LA.
I went also to work to the Extension of the University of California, it's my student job. But the best in it, is the people that you meet there.
And tonight we went to the theater, and i saw Blood Diamond, i advice everybody to see this film. It looks like hotel Rwanda, but it's different. ( nice analysis).

It 's raining so much now, it's the first time i have seen so much rain actually since i am here.

I let you know my plans for the next quarter: study ( of course), but also: San Fransisco, ski ( snowbord) in Mamouth resort, Washington ( to see those who leave), but i also want to see a football match, the problem is that i don't know if my wallet will be able to follow me...

I am coming back to France in one week now. waou. Home home. Oh, and I looked at my flight for France. I first go from LA to Munich ( germany) and then I will have to wait 3 hours for the plane from Munich to Marseille.

see u everybody.


mark ( américain), marie (américaine, born in Riverside and Riverside advocate)

Clare ( australienne), Goel ( australien)

Javier ( mexicain)

Utke ( turque), Rihab ( tunisienne), Medhi ( Marocain), Kaan ( turque)

Brandon ( américain)

Osa ( Suédoise), Loic ( français), Alice ( française)

Marine ( Française, she has lived in Riverside for 2 years), and Caro ( Française)

Veronica, Clare and liz ( américaine, dude!)

Caro and Javier

Ben (californian, but from NORTH California) and Loic


I try to open the present ( who put 3 wheels of scotch on the wrapping paper?)

Those who leave us for Washington next quarter:

Vero and Me

The last picture is for those who like Bret Eston Ellis. It is supposed to represent America.
What do you think about that!
look carefully: Starbucks, Marlboro, Macdo, Camel,Oreo,Doritos...

Monday, December 04, 2006

pasadena 2


voilà les photos de Pasadena, de vendredi dernier.

l'église de pasadena:

shopping à pasadena:de gauche à droite: amélie, caro, thomas, rihab

Le musée Norton Simon de Pasadena:

Hier je suis allé à la messe des étudiants de l'UCR, faut que je vous raconte:
_c'est en fait la communauté des phillipines qui était majoritairement présente et qui a organisé la messe. Avant d'arriver je pensait que les mexicains auraient été les plus nombreux, mais les mexicains forment une minorité qui a difficilement accès aux études supérieures. Parfois sur le campus j'ai le sentiment que tout le monde appartient à une minorité, et que tout fonctionne avec les minorités: native, white, black, jap, chinois, ...
_la messe a commencé à 7h10, et à 7h30 le prètre avait fini l'Homélie ( rien à voir avec les longues omélies de tout les jésuites que j'ai pu voir à Saint-luc).
_à 7h40, on a commencé la communion
_à 7h50, on était dehors.
les chants étaient accompagnés d'instruments de musiques. Et ils ont placé un sapin de Noel au fond de l'église. Donc voilà, expérience différente.

see u


Sunday, December 03, 2006


Hi everybody

Friday, i went to class, and after that we wanted to go to the French Consulate in LA, but they closed at 12pm. So we chosed to go to Pasadena. A very posh district of LA, with a lot of nice restaurants ( we ate at the cheese factory), and shops. It was a very sunny day, I was there with French people ( those who wanted to go to the consulate): Amelie, Caro, Rihab, and Thomas. Then we went to a museum for free ( we are student). The Norton SIMON Museum, wich is as good as the getty: picasso, monet, rembrandt, everybody is there. Then we stayed to take an ice scream ;) and jump into the traffic jam to come back to Riverside. Not so much traffic. Unfortunately i don't have any pictures yet because i forgot my camera, but amelie has some. So, wait a little bit to see them.
And then, I went to Brandon's house to pick up a paper in a hat, on this paper there is a name, and i have to buy a gift for the person who has this name. I don't know who got my name. we will see it on the 15th of December.
And then we went to the university village, to see Casino Royale: Very nice film, I did not understand everything, (i am still not fluent), but i really liked the cars, the girls and the beaches. And actually these 3 things are the most important in my life. No, it's true.

Saturday i slept, and bought groceries, and tried to work. But it was Liz birthday.

This morning i waked up at 7am to study. And I got my familly on msn, with the webcam, it was a lot of fun. And this week is full of finals. So it will be hard. I will have to handle everything. Next Friday, i will make a party for my birthday. I am turning 22 soon, (which is half of 44, and one fourth of 88...).

I have heard there are a lot of people looking at my blog. So, i say hello to all of my fans ;)

I will have a new roomate at the end of december. I will see this wonderfull surprise when i will come back from France after Christmas.
And one thing more, I got the California Driving License, and I am beginning to appreciate hip-hop, i am half american now.

see u guys
