ça y est! c'est le départ
today i went to in'n'out Burger with Nopiu. I think i am taking a burger every three days, and this is a lot.
tonight, we made a christmas party to say goodbye to everybody.
some leave for just the christmas hollidays. Some leave for the next winter quarter. And some leave forever. It's hard to say goodbye ...
We all got a gift and gave a gift to someone. I gave a fun T-shirt to Ben with the name of it's favorit wsky on it. And I got a CD of Johnny Cash from Loic. Very nice.
Tomorow i am going to do my bag. I hate that.
I will also go to LA to a maroccan restaurant.
my regularity to post messages on my blog may be more chahotic as i will be in France.
12 hours of flight is too long.
see u
Rihab ( tunisie), Mehdi ( Marocain), Caro ( French), Amélie ( French), Mike ( Americain)

Andrew ( americain), Loic (français), Javier ( mexicain)
moi, Alice ( French), Osa ( suédoise), mike

Caro and me
Clare ( australian), Roberto (italian).
Gabrielle (Italian) and Satoko ( Japanese)

en essayant de faire des rangées:
- Andrew(US), net(US), mark(US), roberto(IT), cathrine(FR), brandon(US)
- Loic(FR), mike(US), osa(SWE), amélie(FR), alice(FR), marie(US), vero(AU), konepa(US), Joel(AU), Satoko(JP), gabrielle(IT)
- konepa et konepa ( US)
- caro (FR),Javier (MEX), Laura (Irish), Clare( AU)and me
