sea world
Hi everybody!!
last Saturday, we went to the Sea World. I was with Amelie, Laura and Sarah. It was just to see orques and dolphins. We had a lot of fun. this place is full of kids and children.
We also had to cheer the American and UK army in Iraq at the beginning of the orques show because we were told to do so. San Diego is a center of the US Army.
Then we went to La Jolla ( la Roya), the place to be, the posh place of San Diego.
I was able to get the class I wanted for this quarter. That 's cool.
I am still looking for jobs ;)
Did you see what happened in Virginia Tech University? This country is really crazy. But Amelie told me that her teacher said to the class: " hopefully we are safe here on the campus of UCR, because there are policemen" coment.
My parents are coming here in 10 weeks.
see u soon.

it's free Willy:


Je mets un pitit com de temps en temps pour te montrer que je viens voir tes photos :D C'est trop bien que tes parents viennent !!! ça va te rappeler la france ;) T'as trop la classe avec tes lunettes, dès que tu rentres grosse soirée au show case ;)(c MA nouvelle boite ;)) pour te rappeler tous les bons moments qu'on peut passer à paris avant que ce soit à mon tour de partir :( Gros bisous et profiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite à fond !!!
PS: g un nouveau maillot de bain à tester pour Dov' !!!!
6:42 AM
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