San Diego
summary of the last few days:
Forget to tell you that last weekend I was starving from good French food. So I coocked a gratin dauphinois, and a Quiche. Et oui. And I invited some friends to eat it with me. It always test better when we share.

thursday night:
Try to go to the Sevilla. But it was completely full. And 100 persons were waiting in line in order to enter. It was midnight and here nightclubs close at 2 pm. So we gave up, and went to another club near the university. It was very crowded too, but we were able to breath at least. I have some news of friends who succeeded in entering into the sevilla: people were stick together.
wake up at 8h to go to San Diegooo. I was with Rihab, Cathrine, Loic, Clare, Brandon and Veronica. We drove the whole morning, and then we get lost, even if we had indications from google map.
And then the police arrested me because i was driving too fast: 47mph instead of 30. Ok i was wrong but, i am still waiting for the bill wich could be up to:
_one point on my californian permit
_a "salted" bill
_driving class ^_^
_and my insurance may be increased
We arrived at the hotel with piscine and jacuzi ( it's normal here). ( well , in fact we booked the hotel one month ago not to pay so much, and 4 beds for 8 persons).
I still get lost ( we went untill 2 miles near the mexican border but we did not plan to go through: it's too complicated: none of us was speaking spanish. And to come back to the US from mexico, there are always problems , and 2 hours of traffic jam, so we did not see tijuana.)
Then we went to the zoo. I was a bit tired. And we drove to "old town". you can imagine an old mexican town like in the Westerns. We went to a nice mexican restaurant. ( everything is mexican there). After that we came back to sleep. Brandon was suppose to snore laud, but i slept like a stone. ( French translation).
Old town again to take a BIG breakfest.

There was a market this time, and it was much more crowded. Everybody bought some tourist stuff there. Then we wanted to see the sea. So we drove up to sunset clifft blv. There are some crazy surfers tring to surf on the waves coming towards rocks. And we went to balboa park: a parc with old buildings and museums.

We took a rest in the hotel an we went to downtown San Diego. I locked my car with the keys inside ( i wanted the adventure a bit more fool). We walked a long time in the streets at night under the rain. Shops were still open.
I had a bed for me this time, nice. We did a kind of safari near San Diego, and we went back to Riverside.

So the trip has been relatively great.
see you,

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